a omnibus feature film
"DIVOC-12" is a project by Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc. to produce an omnibus consisting of 12 short films, aiming to enable creators, production staff, and actors affected by the coronavirus infection to continue to engage in creative activities.『DIVOC-12』は、株式会社ソニー・ピクチャーズ エンタテインメントによる、新型コロナウイルス感染症の影響を受けているクリエイター、制作スタッフ、俳優が継続的に創作活動に取り組めることを目的とした、12人の映画監督と12本の短編からなるオムニバス映画を制作するプロジェクトです。

Official HP : https://bd-dvd.sonypictures.jp/divoc12/
DIRECTED - "On My Way Home"
"On My Way Home" is a story about a young man who were about to go abroad for his training as a professional French chef, however, his girl friend confesses that she is pregnant. Since he had a conflict with his father, he finds himself deeply upset about being a father.
参加作品 - 映画『ココ』
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